Big Boyz Head Porting  


Today my footboards came in. As far as I can tell they were first used on the 1986 FXRD and maybe the 1986 FXRT. The 1983 FXRT came with standard mid mount controls from the factory. The footboards are harder to come by these days but I found this set in England. They are in very good shape and only took 6 weeks to get here.

As I understand it, the FXRT/D/P all had the footboards shown above as stock. There was an accessory footboard that bolted to the frame and used the stock mid controls.

I have seen it listed as the "FXRP footboards" but all the FXRP's I have seen have the ones above. It is possible that HD switched to these style floorboards for the later FXRP years.

I rented a van Friday at 10am and drove 9 hours to the bike. Had it loaded and back on the road by 8pm Friday night. Got in at 5:30 this morning. The bike and all the parts made it without incident, even though it was Friday the 13th.

I removed the bags today and took some pictures of the mounts. It was rigged to the original bag mounts and the shock bolt. Not the best system if you ask me but it looks like it worked.

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