Big Boyz Head Porting  


Today I stopped by the local dealer and picked up a AGM battery for the FXRT. It was time to try to start the bike. To this point I have not heard it run. I pulled the crankcase vent hose from the air cleaner and put it in a 2 liter bottle to collect oil from sumping. I pulled out the choke and twisted the throttle a few times. Turned the key on and hit the starter switch and after about a turn of the engine she fired right up. I let it warm up a bit, closed the choke and she was idling like a champ. She coughed a few times and after a quick look it was clear it was an intake leak. The engine was quiet and sounded strong, no knocking, ticking or exhaust leaks.

Click here for a video of the first run.

It was time to take it for a ride. I pointed the bike in a direction where there was nothing to hit, in case there were clutch or other problems. Dropped it in gear, let the clutch out and we were on our way. Not wanting to take too many chances a short, local 25 mile ride would be enough to get a feel for any issues.

As I reached the end of the driveway, only getting to 2nd gear, it was clear the front brakes were near useless. We pulled out on the road, made a couple quick turns and that made it clear the stock 35mm narrow glide front end had seen its better days. About a mile down the road we hit a local primary road, RT3 (55 mph). We turned on to RT3 and quickly caught up to a car. A short distance later the road turns into 2 lanes as it heads up a hill. Once on the hill I twisted the throttle and the bike pulled nicely to about 90 and then it was time to back it down, remember the lousy front end and no brakes. I immediately noticed the overall lack of vibration at all speeds and RPM's, this is exactly what I was looking for.

Overall the bike has exceeded all my expectation. One in particular is the lack of oil leaks. I was concerned there might not be any oil in the bike but again much to my surprise that wasn't the case, it just doesn't leak.

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